Setting up reusable rooms / meetings

ZOOM 10-040

What you need to know

The Zoom concept does not work with rooms, but with meetings that are used once. However, it is possible to create a meeting so that it does not expire and the link does not change.
This is only possible in the client, not via the Zoom web interface.

What you have to do

  1. Log in to with the option “SSO” (key symbol), specifying the domain “hs-furtwangen-de” and your HFU account.

    • You have logged in and can see your upcoming meetings.

  2. Click on the blue “Plan a meeting” button.

    • The “Plan meeting” input screen is displayed.

  3. Enter a title (topic) on the input screen and then activate the “Recurring meeting” checkbox.

    • Further input fields for detailed information are displayed.

  4. Under “Recurrence”, select the option “No specific time”.

    • By making this selection, you have changed the original one-off meeting into a meeting that is always open and accessible.

  5. Show the “Options” at the bottom of the same input screen.

    • The input fields for the options are displayed.

  6. Activate the checkbox in front of the option “Give participants permission to join at any time” and click on “Save”.

    • This means that the meeting is already available to the participants, even if the organiser (host) is not yet present or is late.

    • The organiser (host) will be informed about the presence of the participants by email.

    • The meeting can now be reused at any time.

Problems or questions?