OPUS - Repository for students
BIB 70-100
What you need to know
External link opens in a new window:OPUS (Online Publication System) is HFU's institutional repository which enables the free publication, permanent verification and dissemination of university publications, either with bibliographic data only or with full text. You can independently enter your own published publications in OPUS.
What you have to do
Log in to the External link opens in a new window:HFU intranet to use the digital services of the HFU libraries.
To use the External link opens in a new window:digital services at HFU, you will need an External link opens in a new window:HFU account.
When you log in for the first time, set a password and register a two-factor authentication key. You can find detailed instructions here: External link opens in a new window:https://howto.hs-furtwangen.de/en/hfu-account/
Select External link opens in a new window:OPUS-HFU in the service overview.
Click on the "Publish" menu item.
Select the appropriate document type for your work.
Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
If the publication has a DOI, please select the document type *DOI-Import*.
In the "Upload document(s)" section you can upload the full text of your document.
For documents with multiple authors, the consent and publication rights of all authors are required. Please check yourself in advance.
Please do not upload any documents with a restriction clause, especially final theses that have been prepared in companies.
Confirm that you have read and agree with the External link opens in a new window:legal notice.
Click "Continue to next step". The "Publish" input mask opens.
If you selected the document type *DOI import*, enter the DOI in the field and click on the “Get metadata from Crossref” field.
The bibliographic data is automatically entered in the correct input fields.
Please enter your surname and email address (mandatory fields) in the following fields under contact details of the owner.
If you did not select the DOI import document type, select the language of the document content.
Select the language of the document content.
Enter the main title of your publication.
If you also wish to enter a translation of the title, click "Add another title" and enter the corresponding title in the additional field.
Enter the abstract of your document in the "Abstract(s)" field.
If you would like to add an abstract in an additional language, click the "Add another abstract" button.
All authors of the publication are entered in the "Authors" field.
Enter your FIRST and LAST names. Surnames and first names must be written out in full.
To enter multiple authors, click "Add another author".
Enter the year of publication in the "Year of completion" field.
In the "Supervisor" field, enter the primary supervisor at HFU.
Enter the date of the final examination.
Select the awarding institution from the drop-down menu.
If the institution is not Furtwangen University, select it anyway and enter the correct institution in the comments field.
The "External link opens in a new window:GND key terms" field will NOT be filled out.
Enter free key terms in the field "Key term(s)".
In the "Key term(s)" field, enter three and five key terms related to your work.
Additional key terms are entered using the "Add another key term" button.
The "DDC subject group" field is NOT filled out.
In the "Program" field, select your study programme from the drop-down menu.
The appropriate "functional area" is selected via the drop-down menu.
This field is only mandatory for students of the HFU Business School.
In the "Space for notes" field under "Remarks", further information about your publication can be entered.
Comments are not visible to the public.
Once you have uploaded your full text, enter a license for the subsequent use of your document.
If you have not uploaded a full text, select "Copyright protected".
Click "Continue to next step". You will now receive a summary of your entries.
Check your entries and finish the publishing process by selecting "Save document".
Your entries in OPUS are not visible immediately after they have been entered. They will be published later by the OPUS administrators.
Once your entry has been published in OPUS, any changes can only be made via the OPUS administrators.
Please send any requests for changes to: Email application is started:opus-hfu(at)hs-furtwangen.de.