HFU Account
All members of Furtwangen University (employees, professors, students, lecturers, guests) receive an HFU account.
This HFU account is required to log in to all digital services (exception: Mailbox.org account for employees/professors).
The login name is composed as follows:
Two-factor authentication
In addition to your HFU account (consisting of user name and password), two-factor authentication is now required every time you log in to our services. The authentication is comparable to the TAN generator in online banking, which generates a new one-time password for each action.
We recommend that you use your smartphone to generate the one-time password (TOTP). To be able to use your smartphone, you must register it and install the Microsoft Authenticator app (or another authenticator app of your choice), see HFU account and 2FA (via smartphone app), Helpcard 20-010. This app must be kept on the smartphone and must NOT be deleted. Alternatively, a Windows app (2fast - Two Factor Authenticator) can also be used on your own workstation/PC/laptop, see Helpcard HFU account and 2FA (with Windows app 2fast), Helpcard 20-020. Please note the HFU password policy.
Alternatively, HFU employees have the option of using a hardware-based option. In this case, write a ticket to Email application is started:it-support(at)hs-furtwangen.de with the keyword “hardware token”.