For SLC teachers only - integrating exam results in the FELIX grading system

FELIX 10-153

What you need to know

You want to transfer the students' grades from your exam into your FELIX course to have the students' total points calculated automatically?
This Helpcard shows you how to do it.

To transfer the points from the exam, use the bulk assessment tool in FELIX, with which an Excel spreadsheet containing your students' user name and exam score will automatically transfer the data to your course.
Depending on how the exam was conducted, this Excel spreadsheet must be created in different ways.
Scenario 1: Exam was written outside FELIX (e.g. on paper).
Scenario 2: Exam was taken within FELIX, but in a separate exam course.

For integration into the grading calculation, the possible score of your exam must be between 0 and 100 points.
If the maximum score of your exam is not 100 points, then you have to normalize the values to be between 0 and 100 in an intermediate step (see step 3: Special case: Maximum score not 100 points).

What you have to do

  1. Scenario 1: Exam takes place outside FELIX

    • Prepare Excel table: To import the exam results, you need an Excel spreadsheet with the user names of the students. You can download this from the member administration of your FELIX course as follows.

      To do so, open "Members management" under "Administration".

    • Click on the "Participants" tab under "Members" and download the list of participants via the download icon (downward facing arrow) on the top right.

    • Open the downloaded Excel spreadsheet and delete all columns except for the user names.

    • For the students who took your exam, enter the score obtained in the second column and delete the user names of the students who did not participate in the exam.

  2. Scenario 2: Exam takes place within FELIX

    • Prepare Excel table: To import the exam results, you will need an Excel spreadsheet with the students' user names and the score achieved in the exam. You can download this from your FELIX exam course as follows.

      To do so, open the "Assessment tool" in your FELIX exam course under "Administration".

    • Click on "To exam" in the structure on the left and then on "exam@home".
      In the middle of the page, select the "Participants" tab.

    • With the download icon on the right above the participant table, you can download and save the students' results as an Excel spreadsheet.

    • Open the Excel spreadsheet and delete all columns except for columns A (user names) and H (points).

  3. Special case: Maximum number of points is not 100
    If the maximum score of your exam is not 100 points, then you have to update this deviation in your FELIX course first.
    If the maximum score of your exam is 100 points, then continue with step 4.

    • Open the "Course editor" in your FELIX course under "Administration" and select the "Exam grade" assessment tool under "Grading" and "Exam".

    • Click there on the "Assessment" tab and at "Maximum score", instead of the given 100 points, enter the maximum number of points achievable for your exam. "Save" the change in the points at the bottom of the page.

    • Now click on "Edit grading scale" and "Save" the selected "Percent in grade (max 100 points, "Pass" with 50)" grading system again.
      Confirm the selection of the grading system again at the bottom of the page with "Save".

    • Click the red cross (top right) to close the course editor. Select the "Yes, automatically" option to publish the change.

  4. Start bulk assessment: Open the "Assessment tool" under "Administration" and select the "Exam grade" assessment tool element under "Grading" and "Exam". Click on the "Participants" tab there.

    • Click on "Start new bulk assessment" on the right. Copy the "User name" and the corresponding "Score" cells without the column header into the field provided. Otherwise leave the default settings as they are and click "Next".

    • Check that by Identifier, "Column 1" is selected, and by points, "Column 2" is selected, and click "Next".
      The student data (last name and first name) will be added. Click "Next" again.
      Leave the time of assessment at "Immediately" and click "Finish".

    • Click on the "Exam grade" assessment element again and check in the "Participants" tab whether all students are listed and graded as desired.

    • Here in the assessment tool under "Final Grade" you can now see the total number of points that the students in your course have achieved in total according to the weighting.
      With the download icon (downward facing arrow) on the top right you can download the data as an Excel file.
      You can use thisDownload file: Excel template to convert total points to grades.

    • Please remember to delete students who have not passed the course/exam from the Excel list.

  5. Communicate grades or activate proof of achievement: Open "Settings" under "Administration" and click on the "Assessment" tab. Then at "Evidence of achievement" activate "Use evidence of achievement".

    • Students can then view all grades in a tabular overview directly in the course (under "My course" (top right) / "Evidence of achievement") as well as the calculation of the total score.
      You can refer students to Internal link opens in the same window:Helpcard FELIX 00-060 for instructions on how to view the record of their grades.

Problems or questions?