Publishing course (status), deciding how to offer the course, and cataloging

FELIX 10-030

What you need to know

(1) Publish course (status)
After you have created a new course or copied a course, it is initially only visible to you (status: Preparation). When you have finished preparing and you want to publish the course, you must change the status of the course to "Published".

Then change the following settings of your course:

(2) Catalog the course
Enter your course in the catalog to make it easier for your students to find.

(3) Select current semester
To display the current status of your course in the catalog, select the current semester.

(4) Select a method of offering the course
You must decide on a specific release (type) (Private / Bookable or Open).

Perhaps our video clips will also help you?

Videoclip 1 ("Share my FELIX course - and what it all has to do with a book").

Videoclip 2 ("Status, offering, catalog entry, execution period")

What you have to do

  1. Publish course: in your course, above Status, select "Published".

  2. Catalog: Select the "Metadata" tab.


    • The tab will open.

    • The "new" catalog is a characteristic-based directory and is not structured hierarchically as previously.
      Courses can be linked with several characteristics (so-called taxonomies) and as a result also appear in several "levels" (previously referred to as "catalog folders").

    • In the "Departments / Catalog" line, click on the drop-down menu behind it.
      If you only need one catalog characteristic, type it into the text field (e.g. course abbreviation), tick it in the field that appears and "Accept" the selection.
      If you would like to assign several characteristics (course, semester, degree) to the course, select the "Open browser" button, navigate to the respective characteristics, tick them one after the other and click on "Select" above the list.

    • The respective characteristic(s) is/are displayed in the input field.

    • To delete one or more entries, open the "drop-down menu" again and uncheck the corresponding characteristics and click on "Apply".

    • Save the catalog entries with the button at the bottom of the page.

  3. Open the settings and select the current semester.

    • Under "Administration", select the "Settings" option.

    • The settings open.

    • Click in the "Execution" tab and then on "Semester". Then select the current semester and save.

  4. Select method of offering the course: now click on the "Share" tab.

    • Under "Access for participants" you can select the options "Private" or "Bookable and open offers".
      1. Private = manual entry of course participants via the Members management.
      2. Bookable and open offers:
      - Bookable (Access code) = Students need an access code to enroll in the course. Setting a booking period is possible. Students will appear on the members list.
      - Bookable (Freely available) = Students book the course without a code. Setting a booking period is possible. The students appear on the members list.
      - Open release type (Without booking) = The course is freely available without booking until you set the course back to "In preparation" again. A members list will not be created automatically.

      Use the decision tree to decide quickly which way of offering the course suits you best.

    • Under "Access for participants", select "Bookable and open offers" and save.

    • The "Add offer" window will open automatically.

    • Select "Access code" or "Freely available" and click on "Create".

    • The configuration of the selected offer type opens.

    • Configure the selected offer type according to your needs and click "Create" to finish.

    • To ensure that your posted materials are only accessible to authorised students of the course (see UrhWissG External link opens in a new window:§60), we recommend that you use a time-limited booking method or, in the case of courses with limited participants, a time-limited course enrollment (see HelpCard 30-010).
      Alternatively, you can set the course access to "private" and enter the students manually via the members administration (see HelpCard 20-020).

    • Your course has a limited number of participants, you have a waiting list or you want to configure group-dependent elements in your course? Select the "Without booking" offer type and click on "Create". Then you have to add an enrollment to the course (see HelpCard 30-010).

    • Your course should be accessible for guests (persons without HFU account)? Select the sharing type "Guest access" and click on "Create".
      It may be advisable to additionally protect the course with a password. To do this, add a structure element in the course on which you can set a password (see HelpCard 30-020).
      You will find the guest link on the info page of the course.
      To do this, close the settings of the course by clicking on the red cross and open the "Course info" in the middle (light bulb symbol). For the external links, use the bottom one of the two, which includes "guest".

    • If a booking method with access code has been selected, you must provide your students with the access code.

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