Dealing with old courses
What you need to know
(1) The user profiles of students will be removed from FELIX 90 days after their deregistration. At this point all user data stored in FELIX will also be deleted according to the DSGVO (German Data Protection Regulation). This may also include exam-relevant data that must be specially archived (e.g. submissions in assignment modules).
(2) If still accessible, outdated courses may pose a risk of copyright infringement (UrhG).
(3) Outdated courses cause confusion for users and make the catalog and course lists confusing.
In all of the above scenarios, we recommend that you archive exam-relevant data immediately at the end of the semester.
At this point you have various possible courses of action, depending on how you will use it in the future:
Scenario1: Delete course (course is no longer needed).
Scenario2: Keep course, but block access for third parties.
Scenario3: Finish a course (registered students still have access).