Dealing with old courses

FELIX 10-060

What you need to know

(1) The user profiles of students will be removed from FELIX 90 days after their deregistration. At this point all user data stored in FELIX will also be deleted according to the DSGVO (German Data Protection Regulation). This may also include exam-relevant data that must be specially archived (e.g. submissions in assignment modules).

(2) If still accessible, outdated courses may pose a risk of copyright infringement (UrhG).

(3) Outdated courses cause confusion for users and make the catalog and course lists confusing.

In all of the above scenarios, we recommend that you archive exam-relevant data immediately at the end of the semester.
At this point you have various possible courses of action, depending on how you will use it in the future:

Scenario1: Delete course (course is no longer needed).

Scenario2: Keep course, but block access for third parties.

Scenario3: Finish a course (registered students still have access).

What you have to do

  1. Scenario1: Delete course (course is no longer needed).

    •  First, if necessary, archive the member list (see Helpcard 50-010) or exam-related materials (see Helpcard 50-020).

    • Existing groups must be deleted separately: if you have linked the course to a group and you no longer need it, you must delete it separately, as it will not be deleted when you delete the course.
      To do this, you must search for and delete the group in the "Groups" tab via Group title / Course title.
      If this is not possible, you must first grant yourself group administrator rights in the course.

    • Then click on "Delete" under "Administration".

    • Confirm again with "Delete course". In the window which opens, you have to confirm again "The learning resource is marked as deleted" and click on "Delete".

    • The course is marked as deleted, which means that...

      ... the user data is removed from the course.
      ... only the course owner has access to the course.
      ... the course is in the author area in the tab "Deleted".

      In the tab "Deleted" the course can be restored for one semester by clicking on "Restore".
      Only the FELIX administrators can finally delete the course in this one semester.

  2. Scenario2: Keep course, but block access for third parties.

    • First, if necessary, archive the member list (see Helpcard 50-010) or exam-related materials (see Helpcard 50-020).

    • Then remove the catalog entry under "Administration" > "Settings" > "Catalog" > "Remove".

    • Then select the "Preparation" option above "Status" in your course. Only owners of this course will still have access.

    • Remove the course participants from your course under "Administration" and "Member management". To select all course participants click in the "Members" tab. Check the box at the top of the table (in front of User name) or alternatively select the rows below. If as the owner of the course, you are also a participant, remove the check by your own name (at least one owner must remain in the course). Click on "Remove".

    • With this function, only the course owner has access to the course. You can reuse the course at any time by copying it (see Helpcard 10-050).

  3. Scenario3: Finish a course (Read-only mode for course members)

    • Remove the catalog entry under "Administration" > "Settings" > "Catalog" > "Remove".

    • Select the "Finished" option above "Status" in your course. Confirm the information and click "Finished".

    • This function transfers the course to the "Finished" status.
      - The following information is permanently displayed in the course: "This course has been ended and can no longer be edited or updated."
      - The course still exists, user data included.
      - All course members still have access to the course.
      - The course is in read-only mode.
      - You can still find your course in your course list. Members can access your course in the "Course" menu under the "Finished" tab or in the Catalog at the bottom of the page in the "Finished courses" section.

    • You can change the status of the course again at any time by selecting the desired option listed above "Status".

Problems or questions?