Member roles

FELIX 20-030

What you need to know

There are different member roles within courses. You can view and manage the distribution of roles in the Members management (see also Helpcard 20-020). In addition to group coaches and group participants, there are also coaches and participants at the course level. The term "Members" covers all persons and their roles.

What you have to do

  1. In your course, click on "Members management" under "Administration".

    • The Members management opens.

    • The menu (left) allows you to view and manage Members, Groups, Bookings, Rights and Consents of the course.

  2. Select "Members" in the menu (left).

    • A list of all members is displayed.

    • A course member can have different roles (see column "Role").
      (Course) owner: Have all rights over the course and within the course (managing members, rating participants, editing the course structure, setting visibility and access rules as well as copying, deactivating and deleting the course).
      (Course-)coaches: Have the possibility to evaluate (course-)participants.
      (Course) participants: Are able to view all course elements and materials, as long as the course or the elements are not restricted to a certain group.
      (Group) coaches: Can enter, manage and delete participants within a group. Group coaches can evaluate the course elements associated with the group, as far as their evaluation is possible.
      (Group) participants: Can view group-dependent elements.

    • The author of the course is automatically the owner.

  3. To assign a different / new role to members, click on the person's name and edit the role.

    • To change the role of several people, tick several names in the list and click on "Edit" (above the table). In the member list that opens, you can edit the selected members or their roles at once.

    • To add members to groups, a group must first be created (see Helpcard 20-010). The person who created the group is automatically the group coach. Additional group coaches can also be entered manually in the groups (Helpcard 20-020).

  4. Additional owners and coaches are entered manually in the members management via the button "Add member" (see Helpcard 20-020). Participants can be booked into the course via booking method (see Helpcard 10-030) or entered manually.

    • Below "Add member" you can select "Import members". With this function you can import a list e.g. with email addresses or user names (.hfu).

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