Automatic course reminders

FELIX 20-090

What you need to know

FELIX enables automatic sending of course reminders via email to course participants depending on one or more conditions. Conditions can be e.g.: first course entry, entry of a certain date, enrollment in a course group or passing a test or task.

You can set up such reminders described here in the course administration. In addition, some elements (e.g. assessment element, test, checklist, group task and assignment) offer the option to configure reminders directly in the element in the course editor.

What you have to do

  1. Under "Administration" in your course, click on "Reminders".

    • The tool for creating and organizing reminders will open.

    • Under the "Reminders" tab you can create new reminders. Under the "Sent reminder log" tab you can see which reminders have been sent, to whom and when and resend the reminder if necessary.

    • Alternatively, bring up the reminder directly in the course view for the elements assessment, test, checklist (group) assignment.

  2. Under the "Reminder" tab select the "Add reminder" button.

    • The editor for creating a course reminder with a sample text will open.

  3. Enter a description and select the appropriate condition(s) that must be met for the course reminder to be sent. Click on "Next".

    • Some of the conditions are linked to course elements (e.g. tests, task/test), enrollment date (enrollment). These reminders can only work if you have created one of these elements and set and published the corresponding configuration in the course (e.g. for "Appointment: Task Assignment", the subtask "Assignment" must have a date set in the "Task" module).

    • Sie können die Bedingungen überprüfen.

  4. Another "click" on "Next" will take you to the configuration of the automated reminder.

    • Enter a unique subject so that students can identify the email as belonging to your course, and modify the prepared email text to suit your needs and the set condition.

    • Use the $coursename variable in the subject line (subject automatically adjusts to the new course name when copied).
      Personalise the reminder email with the following variables:
      $courseurl (course url)
      $firstname (first name of the user initiating the email)
      $lastname (last name of the user initiating the email)
      $username (username of the initiating user)
      $email (email address of the initiating user)
      $coursedescription (reference to the description of the course on the info page)

  5. Send yourself a copy if necessary and click "Finish".

    • The editor will close automatically.

    • If you want to edit, duplicate, delete or even manually initiate the reminder, click the gear symbol behind the respective course reminder.

  6. Course reminders are also copied when a course is copied and may need to be adjusted.

Problems or questions?