Inserting a task

FELIX 30-090

What you need to know

Assignment and organisation of tasks

The Task element enables electronic assignment of assignments to students. Completed assignments can be submitted and graded electronically. Each student has their own individual folder and receives a grade that can only be viewed with their account. Where each individual student is in the process (e.g. assignment of tasks, submission, evaluation) can be viewed at any time at a glance.

If you only want a submission and return option without the distribution of task and assessment options, you can also use the participant folder, which has a simpler structure (see Helpcard 30-080).

If you want to organise a group submission via the learning platform, you can do so using the  "Grouptask" element (see Helpcard 30-100).

Please remember that assignment grades which count towards examinations must be archived outside of FELIX (see Helpcard: Internal link opens in the same window:50-020).

What you have to do

  1. In your course, click on "Course editor" under "Administration" (top left).

    • The course editor will open.

  2. In the course structure (left), activate the course element under which the new element is to be inserted.
    Under "Insert course elements" (above) in the "Assessment" category select the "Task" element. Alternatively, you can use the "Quick-Add" search function.

    • You can also move the element later by dragging and dropping.

  3. To rename the course element, enter the title that is displayed in the course in the "Title" field. If necessary, abbreviate the title in the "Title in course menu" field.
    "Save" your entries.

    • The "Title in course menu" is displayed on the left side of the structure. Since the structure is fixed to a certain width, a maximum of 25 characters is recommended.

    • Under "Insert additional information" you can enter e.g. learning objectives and instructions for learners.

    • Under "Visibility" and "Access" you can restrict visibility and access to the element if required, e.g. depending on the group or date (see Helpcard 30-002).

  4. Under "Workflow", select whether the task is mandatory or optional for everyone. Within the workflow you can (de)activate the sub-elements explained below, which you can then configure in the subsequent tabs. Save what you have selected.

    • Task assignment: Assignments can be uploaded for students or created in FELIX via OnlyOffice or video and made available online.
      Submission: Students can submit their solutions. These can also be created and submitted online, e.g. via OnlyOffice (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) (see Helpcard 20-120) or by video.
      Late submission: Students will be allowed a late submission after the actual deadline.
      Return and feedback: Return corrected assignments with feedback.
      Revision: Students can resubmit assignments after revision.
      Sample solution: Provide sample solution for all participants.
      Grading: Define individual feedback settings with scoring or pass/fail.

    • If you set a date in the "Assignment deadline" field, then the assignment is only available until this date and not beyond. This means that your students must have picked up the "Assignments" by a certain date, otherwise they will no longer be available. By entering a date at this point, you can ensure that the time frame you have defined is at least formally adhered to and that students pick up assignments by the deadline. If you do this, clearly communicate the fact that the assignments are only available until a certain date to your students.

    • Be careful when entering the desired date: when entering dates in FELIX (e.g. submission deadline; assignment/task only available until), you must enter 23:59 for the time (not 00:00) for dates that include the date entered. Example: deadline for submission is on 15.10. at 23:59 (including 15.10.). If the 15.10. is entered at 00:00, the 15.10. would not be included.

    • If you select the processing of the task as "optional" in the "Obligation" area, then, if the "Sample solution" sub-element is activated, you can decide whether the sample solution will be visible to all users after a certain time, or only to those who have submitted the task.

    • If there are several supervisors in the course, the option "Assign supervisors/participants" (at the bottom of the page) can be activated and configured so that the system can already determine who supervises and assesses whom.
      After publishing, a supervisor can be assigned directly in the assignment in the "Participants" tab or in the assessment tool under the "Participants" assignment tab using the three-dot menu behind the respective participant.

  5. Configure the selected sub-elements according to your needs in the corresponding tabs (sub-elements that are not activated are displayed in grey and cannot be edited).

    • Sub-element "Assignment" activated: A task must be uploaded or created online via OnlyOffice or via video in order for the element to be displayed in the course view. However, if you want the assignment to be visible only at a later point in time, you control this via the visibility of the element.
      You can leave the default setting in the "Type of assignment" section. If you want to assign the same task for all participants, you can also switch to "Automatic task assignment" - then the students do not have to manually select the available task.
      Only change the setting for "Type of sampling" if you actually have as many tasks as participants. Then you can set here that each task is only assigned to one participant.

    • Sub-element submission: the configuration of the submission is preset so that students can upload documents.

      It is also enabled to create texts directly in the task element with the Open-Olat text editor (or with OnlyOffice: Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Solution documents created with (Only)Office can be corrected by owners / coaches directly in the element in a copy.

      The option of defining a task as a template for submission can be activated. In this way, participants can, for example, edit an Excel sheet that has already been filled in, directly in the task module.
      Optionally, you can also enable students to produce and submit a short video via FELIX (with the device's own camera and associated microphone).

      We recommend activating "Send this text additionally as an e-mail" in the "Submit confirmation" section.

    • The "HighScore" sub-element can be configured or used if the "Scoring" sub-element is activated and scoring is set.

  6. Click the red cross (top right) to close the course editor. Select the "Publish automatically" option to publish the change.

    • The new element is not displayed in the course view until it has been published.

  7. Select the task element in the course view and note the information on the tabs displayed.

    • In the "Overview" tab (far left) you can see a percentage and graphical evaluation of the participants.

    • Under "Participants" you have an overview of all students participating in the course and in the sub-process ("Step" column) you can see the stage in the process the students are currently at.
      At the start of the task, all course members are at the "Assignment" stage.
      No action on the part of the participants has yet taken place at this stage.
      A legend for further stages can be found below the table.
      Above the table you can click on Modifications to be notified (by default once a day) about assignments.

    • In the "Edit tasks and sample solutions" tab you can edit an already created task and create new ones. Please note that a new task can only be assigned to the participants who have not yet started the task process.

    • If you want to simulate the view of your students on this course element, use the in-course role change (see Helpcard 10-021).

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