Inserting a podcast

FELIX 30-145

What you need to know

You can provide audio and/or video files ("episodes") to your students by means of a podcast.
The audio and/or video files are sorted chronologically, with the latest episode at the top. Episodes can be rated and commented on by students. By means of the comments, discussions can develop or questions can be asked about the episodes.
The audio and/or video files can be played directly in FELIX (download is not necessary).
Podcasts can also be subscribed to within FELIX (see Helpcard 20-070) or via podcasts apps/portals such as itunes.

What you have to do

  1. In your course, click on "Course editor" under "Administration" (top left).

    • The course editor will open.

  2. In the course structure (left), activate the course element under which the new element is to be inserted. Under "Insert course elements" (above) in the category "Knowledge transfer" select the element "Podcast". Alternatively, you can use the "Quick-Add" search function.

    • You can also move the element later by dragging and dropping.

  3. To rename the course element, enter the title that is displayed in the course in the "Title" field. If necessary, abbreviate the title in the "Title in course menu" field.
    "Save" your entries.

    • The "Title in course menu" is displayed on the left side of the structure. Since the structure is fixed to a certain width, a maximum of 25 characters is recommended.

    • Under "Insert additional information" you can enter e.g. learning objectives and instructions for learners.

    • Under "Visibility" and "Access" you can regulate the visibility and access to the element if required, e.g. depending on the group or date (see Helpcard 30-002).

  4. Click in the "Podcast learning content" tab and there click "Select, create or import podcast".

    • If you have not yet created a podcast, you can create a new podcast with "Create".
      You can then also integrate this podcast into other podcast course elements (also into other FELIX courses) by selecting the then created podcast at this point.
      You can also integrate external podcasts via "Import".

  5. To create a new podcast, click on "Create" and enter the desired title of the podcast. Confirm with "Create".

  6. Then click "Edit" and select "Create episodes yourself".

  7. Enter a title of the episode and a description if necessary. Upload the desired audio and/or video file (possible formats: MP3, MP4, M4V, M4A and AAC) and confirm with "Publish".

    • Note the maximum file size of 300 MB.

    • Repeat the step with all the audio and/or video files you want to publish at this time.

  8. Navigate back to the course by clicking on the small green arrow in the upper left corner.

    • You are back in the course editor in the "Podcast learning content" tab.

  9. By default, students and coaches can also add episodes to the podcast. You can revoke the rights by deactivating the respective user group in the "User rights" section.

  10. Click the red cross (top right) to close the course editor. Select the "Publish automatically" option to publish the change.

    • The new element is not displayed in the course view until it has been published.

  11. Add more episodes whenever you want via "Add Episode".

Problems or questions?