Question types for tests and self-tests
What you need to know
Possible question types (incl. linked video clips):
External link opens in a new window:Upload file
External link opens in a new window:Drag and Drop
External link opens in a new window:Free text
Hot text
KPRIM question
External link opens in a new window:Cloze/numeric input
External link opens in a new window:Cloze with dropdown
Matrix question
Multiple Choice
Single Choice
True/False question
The question pool: My personal question database
We recommend that you create questions for tests/self-tests in the question pool. The question pool is a database of questions including all associated information/metadata (author, keywords, key values for item analysis, etc.). The question pool allows questions to be created as independent items in a catalogue-like structure, saved, edited, categorised in lists and used flexibly. Questions can also be shared with other users if desired. Once you have created your questions in the question pool, you can import them into tests and self-tests.
Tests and self-tests
Tests are used to check knowledge. A test can be integrated as a personalised "real" test (e.g. as an e-exam) or as an anonymised self-test (exercise).
Tests / self-tests and their feedback are also available to people outside the university via the guest login.