Preparing for a recording

RMOOC 10-010

What you need to know

Not much preparation is required to use Rapidmooc: Contact us via the External link opens in a new window:service desk with a ticket to the Learning Services queue. You will then receive all further information - for example, how to book the Rapidmooc for the desired time - directly from us.
You can find more tips on choosing clothing and preparing for the presentation on this helpcard.

What you have to do

  1. Select suitable clothing:
    We recommend:
    - no shades of green, no fine plaid or lined clothing
    - clothing that allows the attachment of a clip-on microphone
    - preferably no scarves or large necklaces

    • When it comes to clothing, it is recommended - because of the green screen - not to wear any green tones.
      Fine plaid or lined clothing should be avoided to counteract a moiré effect.

    • Since the Rapidmooc has a clip-on microphone,  large necklaces or scarves can create interference noise.
      It should be possible to attach the clip-on microphone well to the clothing. It is helpful if the microphone transmitter can be stored in a trouser pocket.

  2. How to save a presentation in 16:9 format on a device to take with you

    • You need a device (e.g. your laptop) that you can connect to the Rapidmooc with the available HDMI cable and on which your slides (or other files you want to record) are stored.

    • Slide sets should ideally be in 16:9 format so that there are no black bars. You can set this in PowerPoint under the "Design" tab and then "Slide size".
      If possible, leave space for yourself as the speaker on the left or right of the slides so that you do not cover up any content when presenting.

Problems or questions?