Using the teleprompter

RMOOC 30-030

What you need to know

With the teleprompter you can either store speaker notes and/or so-called "prompter codes" directly in Rapidmooc or upload a file with corresponding content.
In this way you can comfortably follow your notes/speaker text during your recording.
So-called "prompter codes" such as "fade" or "stop" send commands to the Rapidmooc, without you having to use the keyboard during recording.
The teleprompter still supports a "good" viewing direction directly into the camera.
The speed of the prompter can be adjusted and also controlled during recording with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Tip: When you export your video, you get a .vtt file to add subtitles to your video. You can find out how to do this on Helpcard Internal link opens in a new window:10-080 in the "Medienportal" (Media Portal) service.

What you have to do

  1. Preparation - file format of the speaker text

    • Save your Teleprompter text on a USB stick in Word, .pptx or .txt format.

    • If you want to use "codes" (like "fade"", "stop") or control the camera setting like "camera1" via the prompter, make sure you write these codes exactly as shown in Figure 2.1.

    • It is also possible to enter a prompter text directly on the Rapidmooc under "Teleprompter".

  2. Preparation - stage directions via prompter:
    Insert the desired code into your voiceover text, e.g.

    • [fade] - disappear and appear
      [stop] - stops the recording
      [pause] - pauses the recording
      [camera 1] [camera 2] (etc.) - allow previously set camera presets to be selected
      [videosource 1][videosource 2] (etc.) - crop e.g., to a secondary camera

    • You can also use prompter codes to switch between recording modes or scene templates.

  3. In Rapidmooc studio

    • Connect your USB stick to the Rapidmooc (back right).

    • Click on "Teleprompter" and load your file by clicking on "Load" or enter your text and/or prompter codes there.

    • You can generate a preview using "Starten" (Start) and set the text size and speed using "Einstellungen" (Settings).

  4. While recording

    • When you have loaded or entered the prompter text and then started a recording (clicked on "Starten" (Start)), the prompter text appears.

    • Control the prompter with the keyboard during recording:
      - Press the space bar to pause the text.
      - Control the speed with the arrow keys.

Problems or questions?