Inserting a participants folder
What you need to know
The participant folder enables an easy file exchange between the participants and the coaches.
When creating the course element, two folders can be selected:
(1) the handover folder, which allows participants to hand over files to tutors unseen by other participants, and
(2) the return folder, where tutors can return files to all participants at the same time or individually.
If you would like to distribute one or more tasks to students or groups of students and/or evaluate their solutions in addition to handing them in, use the task or group task folder (see Helpcard 30-090 or 30-100). Do the same if you want to collect memory-intensive files such as videos.
The participant folder is much easier to configure and manage than the task folder.
Within the participant folder files can be set up and subfolders can be created.
A participant folder has a storage capacity of 300 MB.
Please keep in mind that exam-relevant assignments have to be archived outside of FELIX (see Helpcard 50-020).