Inserting an assessment element

FELIX 30-110

What you need to know

This course element enables the assessment of specific performances that do not necessarily have to be performed in the system. The assessment can be used in combination with other course elements (e.g. with the participant folder or the topic assignment), but also independently of other course elements (e.g. digital assessment of an oral examination performance). Assessment is only possible for students who are registered as course participants or group members in the course.

Assessment is possible in the form of points, via pass/fail and by means of individual text feedback or an individual assessment document.
Points can be entered manually or added up via a rubric evaluation (integrated evaluation matrix) and output automatically.

The evaluation can only be viewed by the respective student.

If you do not want to use an assessment matrix, you do not need an additional assessment module for the "Task" or "Group task" module, as the assessment can be integrated within the task as a sub-module.

What you have to do

  1. In your course, click on "Course editor" under "Administration" (top left).

    • The course editor will open.

  2. In the course structure (left), activate the course element under which the new element is to be inserted.
    Under "Insert course elements" (above) in the category "Assessment" select the "Assessment" element. Alternatively, you can use the "Quick-Add" search function.

    • You can also move the element later by dragging and dropping.

  3. To rename the course element, enter the title that is displayed in the course in the "Title" field. If necessary, abbreviate the title in the "Title in course menu" field.
    "Save" your entries.

    • The "Title in course menu" is displayed on the left side of the structure. Since the structure is fixed to a certain width, a maximum of 25 characters is recommended.

    • Under "Insert additional information" you can enter e.g. learning objectives and instructions for learners.

    • Under "Visibility" and "Access" you can regulate visibility and access to the element if required, e.g. depending on the group or date (see Helpcard 30-002).

    • Under "Assessment" you can set the assessment based on points, pass/fail, individual feedback and/or by means of individual assessment documents.
      If you select the option "Score granted", you can display a HighScore leader board to motivate the students.

    • Rubric assessment:

      Check "Rubric assessment" if you want to assess using a pre-made rating matrix or rating form.
      Then click on "Choose form". In the window that opens, you can select an already created form or "Create" a new one above the table (see Helpcard Internal link opens in a new window:40-210).
      After selecting/creating the form, set the desired option under "Assign points" (e.g., Transfer total from rubric form).

    • Score granted:

      If you select "Rubric assessment" or "Set score manually", you have the option of entering a minimum and a maximum value as additional information for the students.

      For both types of scoring ("Rubric Assessment" and "Set score manually"), you can also activate a predefined grade or rating scale under "Levels/Grading". The determined score of the respective student is then set in relation to this scale (e.g. student A has 20 out of 22 points - this would correspond to grade 1 in the selected grading scale. The grade or the evaluation (possible e.g. also on the basis of "smilies" or "very good to very bad") is then also output.

    • Disoplay passed / not passed:

      Under "Display passed / not passed" you can choose between the options "Automatic (using cut value)" or "Manually by coach".

    • Individual comment/individual assessment documents:

      If one of these options is activated, then you have the option either to leave an individual comment, or to upload a individual assessment/feedback document in the evaluation form.

  4. "Save" your entry.

  5. Click the red cross (top right) to close the course editor. Select the "Publish automatically" option to publish the change. 

    • The new element is not displayed in the course view until it has been published.

  6. Select the assessment element in the course view and click "Participant".

  7. Click on each participant to carry out the assessment.

    • The students receive their assessment in this course element.

    • With the help of "Bulk assessment" (on the right above the table) and a standardised Excel spreadsheet, you can perform multiple assessments simultaneously.

    • In the "Overview" tab (far left) the participants' grades are displayed as a percentage and as a graph.

Problems or questions?