Inserting a wiki

FELIX 30-120

What you need to know

Within a wiki, information can be jointly developed within a group, made available in a structured manner and jointly modified.
By default, all participants can create/edit/delete articles.
If wiki content has been accidentally deleted, contact the owner of the wiki. He can restore previous versions from any wiki page. If you subscribe to the wiki (top right), you will be notified of changes in a timely manner (see Helpcard 20-070).

Wikis are created as independent learning resources and integrated into your course via the course element "Wiki". Thus, wikis can also be used across courses (i.e. in several courses at the same time).

What you have to do

  1. In your course, click on "Course editor" under "Administration" (top left).

    • The course editor will open.

  2. In the course structure (left), activate the element under which the new element is to be inserted.
    Under "Insert course elements" (above), select the "Wiki" element. You will find this in the category "Communication and collaboration". Alternatively, you can use the "Quick-Add" search function.

    • You can also move the element later by dragging and dropping.

  3. To rename the course element, in the "Title" field enter the title you want to be displayed in the course. If necessary, abbreviate the title in the "Title in course menu" field. "Save" your entries.

    • The "Title in course menu" will be displayed in the menu on the left. Since the menu has a fixed width, a maximum of 25 characters is recommended.

    • Under "Insert additional information" below, you can enter, for example, learning objectives and instructions for learners.

    • Under "Wiki learning content" you have to select, create or import the desired "Wiki".

      You can also deny students permission to collaborate on the articles (e.g. after completion of the wiki). To do this, uncheck the box in front of "Participant" in the "User rights" section under "Edit Material".

  4. Click the red cross (top right) to close the course editor. Select the "Publish automatically" option to publish the change. 

    • The new element is not displayed in the course view until it has been published.

  5. Select the new element in the course view.

    • The wiki can also be edited at this point with "Edit page" (see Helpcard 30-121).

    • A wiki page can be structured (heading, links, lists, etc.) using a special syntax.

      A description of this syntax can be found in the context help on the wiki page. To do this, click on "Edit page" in the course view in your wiki. You will then find the green "Help button" at the top right.


Problems or questions?