FELIX and Media Portal hand in hand - direct link

MEPO 10-060

What you need to know

Integration via a links list in FELIX allows your students to access the video via a link and watch it on the media portal.

What you have to do

  1. Log in to media.hs-furtwangen.de and go to your media on your profile.
    Click on the video you want to add to your FELIX course.

    • The video opens and you will see the "Share" function.

  2. For hidden and password-protected videos, copy the direct link (not the perma-link) to your clipboard (see Figure 2.1).
    For a publicly uploaded video, use the displayed perma-link.

  3. Create a Links list in your FELIX course (see Helpcard Internal link opens in the same window:Inserting a links list (FELIX 30-130)) and paste the copied link there.

    • For password-protected videos, access is possible only after entering the password.

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