Organising and writing an eKlausur@HFU


What you need to know

In Furtwangen a maximum of 70 (C-1.01 / C-1.02) participants can be tested at the same time, a maximum of 76 (A 2.01 / B1.09) in Tuttlingen, and a maximum of 62 (D2.03 / D2.04 and D 3.07) in Schwenningen (spare computers not included, must still be kept available). Larger groups must be organised in multiple runs. Please take into consideration that more time is needed for changing groups in the case of multiple runs.
For larger groups at the FU and VS campuses, contact the Learning Services department early for clarification.

In specially equipped e-assessment rooms, students can work on e-exams at computers - with or without optional Internet access.
In the standard case, the rooms are prepared in such a way that only the browser and thus the FELIX exam are available to the students.
Alternative wishes, such as access to the Internet, to certain applications or exam materials, must be communicated to the Learning Services Department in advance. A wide variety of exam settings with open and closed question formats (see also Helpcard 40-100), linked with multimedia elements such as film clips or audio contributions, but also supplementary software such as SAP, MatLab or Visio are possible.

Contact Learning Services directly (Email application is started:learningservices(at) if you would like to take advantage of this offering.

The exam process:
As with a conventional exam, room reservation of the eAssessment rooms, exam creation, administration of participants and exam supervision, as well as compliance with the hygiene concept are the responsibility of the lecturers. The import of the e-exam into the special examination system is handled by the Learning Services department.

What you have to do

  1. Reserve the e-assessment rooms (in FU: via the room planning tool; in TUT: via Ms. Spiesser and in VS: via your respective exam planner) and plan an extra 15 minutes before the exam starts.

  2. Inform the Examinations Office of your intentions and notify Learning Services of the date, time, name of the exam, number of students, and number of passes (for larger groups), if applicable (email to Email application is started:learningservices(at)

  3. Inform your students about your plan and provide an online mock exam so that they can familiarise themselves with the test format. Alternatively, you can use this External link opens in a new window:HFU quiz to familiarise your students with the FELIX question formats.

  4. Create your questions for the e-exam in the question pool (see Helpcards 40-110 and 40-120) and generate a test from your questions (see Helpcard 50-020).

  5. Copy the eKlausur@HFU master course provided by the Learning Services Department in FELIX and include your created e-exam as a test in this course master (see Helpcard 50-030).

  6. When preparing for your e-session, keep in mind that you may need and should organise additional supervisors. If you have several passages or different rooms, you may also need seating plans for students, which you should create, communicate, and post at the entrance doors.

Problems or questions?