Using the "Push-to-talk" function

AVIEW 10-025

What you need to know

With the "Push-to-talk" function, you can activate and deactivate the microphone by pressing a key on the keyboard.

Please note:
If you activate this function, it will be active for all further events. You must deactivate the function again if you no longer wish to use it.

The push-to-talk function is only available in the alfaview app version, not in the browser version.

What you have to do

  1. In an existing meeting, call up the settings (gear icon ) in the top right-hand corner.

    • The settings will open.

  2. Click on "Show all settings".

    • A window with the advanced settings opens.

  3. Then select Audio Settings from the menu on the left.

    • The audio settings will open.

  4. Activate the "Push-to-talk" function at the bottom of the audio settings and then exit the settings by clicking "Close".

    • By default, you can then activate the microphone by holding down the "CTRL" key.

    • If you want to use another key of the keyboard, then you have to set it in the audio settings at "Push-to-talk shortcuts".

    • Attention: MAC users have to enable key usage for alfaview in their system settings before push-to-talk will work!

  5. Now click on the microphone icon  at the top to activate the connected recording source.

    • The microphone icon is now crossed out and displayed with an orange

  6. If you want to speak, use the "CTRL" key on your keyboard.

    • Your microphone is activated. (The microphone icon changes to active state )

  7. When you have finished speaking, release the key.

    • The microphone is deactivated. (The microphone icon changes back to )

  8. If you want to disable the function, then repeat steps 1-4 and disable the Push-to-talk function.

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